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A fully managed low-code Backend-as-a-Service that enables cost savings on development and operations.

Database Design and  Management

Database Design and  Management

  • Built-in database with comprehensive schema support
  • Define collections with typed properties and lookups (foreign keys)
  • Full BLOB support
  • Graphical schema design
Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and Authorization 

  • OAuth support for third-party identity providers.
  • Hosted login that supports Microsoft, Google and Facebook authentication
  • Fine-grained role-based access control
Restful API Illustration

Restful API

  • Access data via the restful API.
  • Each collection in your database supports all HTTP methods by default
  • Utilize built-in API explorer
  • Supports Postman, Swagger and OpenAPI
Views and Queries

Views and Queries

  • Define unlimited views based on your data collections
  • Views are subsets of collections with declared filters and defined property visibility
  • Separate endpoints available for each view
  • All HTTP methods supported for views
  • View-level role-based authorization
External Data Access

External Data Access

  • Enable access to external data through service connections
  • Token-based authentication configuration for service connections
  • Collections act as a proxy to retrieve, transform, and cache external data
Hosted Applications

Hosted Applications

  • Host single-page web applications
  • Free hostname with SSL
  • Continuous deployment options

Would you like a demo?

Schedule a time in our calendar, and we'll show you how next-generation software development should be done.